
Showing posts from March, 2009

SoFoBoMo Pledge

2009 03 10_D70_0741 Originally uploaded by The Lens Mount Well I made my official pledge sometime last week to take on the Solo Photo Book Month project this year ( I'm not 100% sure if I'll stick to my initial book idea, but I do know that I need to make it as simple as possible given my limited availability. One thing I'm sure of is that I'll do all processing in camera, to eliminate any time required for post process editing. This may sound impossible but I've recently taken to this approach to increase the amount of time I spend making pictures with my camera and to decrease the amount of time I spend on my computer manipulating images. The images here are recent examples that are straight from my camera  . Wish me luck. Mark

A Dancing Girl, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and U2

2009 03 01_D70_0459 Originally uploaded by The Lens Mount Here is a dancing girl in celebration of U2's new album "No Line on the Horizon" released today. Photographers will recognize the cover immediately. I can remember first seeing a book by Hiroshi Sugimoto full of horizon pictures of the sea . At the time I was a little baffled by a whole book on essentially variations of this one scene. Now his image is immortalized in the world of Rock and Roll.